Albatwitch “Bone & Tooth Bank” Draft 3D Model (Not-to-Scale)

Our draft of the Albatwitch “Bone and Tooth Bank” 3D Model in the following .gif file is viewable by clicking the link below, and it is also viewable on our Twitter and Facebook properties. Because the founder of Albatwitch Zoological Survey saw a female, Albatwitch (Pan chlca sp. nov.) in a remote, riparian bog on two occasions, we opted for a female draft model sans privates. Using a female model for the bone bank also spares us the task of designing a theoretical Albatwitch baculum (penis bone). In the Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes), a cousin of Albatwitch in genus Pan, the baculum is only 6-8 mm long; therefore, it is unlikely for an Albatwitch baculum to be discovered by a member of the public searching for Albatwitch bones:

Albatwitch Disarticulated Skeleton

First frost arrived this week in Northeast Pennsylvania’s higher elevations, portending an early winter. Although our field survey for live Albatwitch will continue throughout winter, our paleoanthropological “dig” will begin Spring 2021. In the meantime, to promote the public’s discovery of Albatwitch bones, we’ll be designing and hosting a virtual “Bone and Tooth Bank” comprised of each of the bones and teeth in the theoretical, disarticulated skeleton of the Albatwitch.