Status Report

Albatwitch Zoological Survey continues planning for the first paleoanthropological “dig” for Albatwitch bones & fossils in a coal strip mine, drained for other reasons, that was a wetland habitat for many years. Field survey continues for live Albatwitch in remote, riparian wetlands near the mostly unmapped, backwoods route of the Lehigh Path.

Additionally, the founder studies the archaeological literature and documented images of Native American “rock art,” looking for indications of familiarity with ape-like creatures by the Iroquoian Susquehannocks or Algonquian Lenape.

A former member of the Navy’s Mobile Diving & Salvage Unit Two, Detachment 304, a certified, advanced open water diver, and past skipper of a dive-cruising, sailboat, the founder plans an expedition for next summer to photograph underwater petroglyphs in Pennsylvania rivers.